Monday, March 30, 2009

Weirdo's... or is it just me?

OK... So I'm in the grocery store... just ran in to pick up a couple things... Diapers being one of them, so I head straight for the diaper aisle, and I grab them, head to the next aisle, and I'm perusing the baby tylenol/benadryl section, and then it happens...

This guy walks in front of me while I'm looking for what I need, I'm not really paying attention, and through my peripheral I see him stop just past me, back up toward me, and proceeds to start a conversation with me. "Hi, I'm Alex" he says... Um... I'm a little dumbfounded, and I probably gave him the blankest stare while I processed what was going on, and then simply replied "hi". He then stands there staring at me, looking me up and down, and then says "Wow... you're beautiful"... at this point I'm staring back at the medicine section, not really paying him any mind, which you would think, might be a hint that I'm not really interested... but NO. (Mind you, I am wearing sweats and a tank with a hoodie, and pretty much feel ridiculous, and if I didn't need diapers I wouldn't have left the house.) Then he basically repeats his last statement, and then asks me if I have a baby... Wait - What? I'm holding a box of diapers, I'm clearly looking at that BABY tylenol, and he just asked me that? OK... so I suppose its possible that I could be buying it for someone else, but probable, I think not?

At this point, I entertained him slightly, chuckled, and said "um, yeah". Also, judging by the short, blunt responses I was giving, you'd think he might take the hint... but he didn't, again! Tried asking me how old my baby was, if he/she was sick... and I finally just came out with the "do you have a man" question... UM... "Yes, yes I do!" I mean, I don't like to be mean, and I don't want to be a Bitch... but Dude - I'm not intersted!

To my point, I just don't get what entices guys to stop girls in the middle of stores (its not the first time), in front of gas stations, convenient stores, etc. and try to "pick them up"? I suppose that it was a compliment, sorta, but really a store... and it wasn't really a good attempt, and honestly, i don't get what the draw was, I was a mess! Maybe he's the kind of guy that likes a slob? LOL... or maybe he just looked past all that and saw the amazingly awesome chic that I am (kidding, of course). But honestly, Do I really look like the type of girl that will go home with you from a 7-11 parking lot, or one better, not even leave the parking lot? Do I seem so shallow as to give you a once over and say "hay baby.. you're cute, lets go!"... I really just don't get it. I guess it could be just me that's the "wierdo", maybe girls really do respond to this kind of thing, maybe I'm just more of a traditionalist. I guess it also really comes down that I don't take compliments well, I don't really like being hit-on, and I don't even think about taking someone in a grocery store seriously, unless its an employee telling me where to find the bread or peanut butter, and even then, I'm skeptical.

I don't know. Maybe I am wierd... but I'm fine with that! It's just me!

How's this for a Random Rant! Enjoy! :)

1 comment:

Sarah Beth said...

No you're not weird. I do not like being approached in that way. I mean that's just not slick. If you're are going to approach me in such a brazen manner you better be damn slick. Not asking me idiot quetions.

But still it had to be a little bit of compliment. I mean it made you smile to yourself a little in the car right. You know you got it girl :)