Friday, May 14, 2010

Wonder and Regret?

I've always been one not to regret things, however, sometimes when I sit back and think about the things I have or haven't done in my life, I wonder.... and can wonder equal regret? If you wonder what things would be like if you took a different path, could that be construed as regretting something that you did or didn't do? I don't want to regret anything in life, however sometimes I feel like maybe I do not allow things to happen in my life in order to not regret, does that make sense? I don't even know.... For example, I generally do not let people to get close to me because I don't want to get hurt, however I don't want to be alone forever, so which one should I change? If I allow people to get close to me, and open myself up emotionally, then I open myself up to be hurt, again, and I really don't want that. However, when I do meet people, and want to allow them into my life, I sometimes feel bad by keeping them at a distance for my own selfish reasons, its not my desire to keep them from being in my life, but I have been hurt one to many times to allow myself to open up again.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am a very open person (clearly, I'm blogging about the most random things in my life), but what I don't allow is my emotional being to be open enough to allow myself to get to truly know other people. It's something of a mental block, I suppose. I suppose I think of it in this way... If I don't allow myself to truly get to know them, then they won't be able to make an impact on my life, and consequently they won't be able to hurt me. I'm sure this is an ass backwards way of thinking, but it seems to work for me so far... well, not so much if you have been following my writing for any amount of time.

Well, I guess one day I will just have to live with the fact that I may indeed have regrets in my life, or that I will just not have anyone close to me. But, like most things, this is just another random rant! :)

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